In Year 2, our teacher is Miss Everitt and our wonderful teaching assistant is Mrs Slater!
Miss Jowsey will also teach us on Thursday afternoons.
In Year 2, regular updates of your child's learning are posted on Class Dojo so you can see all the fun things we get up to at school! Please follow the link above to sign into your child's account. If you are unable to access this link, please contact us so we can provide you with a paper instruction leaflet.
Please don't hesitate to contact any of the Year 2 staff to get a copy of your child's login details.
PE days are on a Monday and Thursday. They will need both an indoor and outdoor PE kit, as we try to get outdoors if the weather permits.
Indoor PE kit - red shorts, white t-shirt and trainers.
Outdoor PE kit – jogging bottoms, white t-shirt, jumper or hooded jacket and trainers.
There will be a spelling test on a Friday and new spellings will come home on a Friday, for the following week. The spellings will be linked to what the children have been learning and the Year 2 Common Exception Words.
It would help us and help your child if you could listen to them read for just 5 minutes, at least 3 times a week. This needs to be recorded in their reading record book with how many pages they have read and a simple comment. We are really focusing on our children understanding what they have read and being able to answer questions based on this. Your child will be heard read within school at least once a week, which will be recorded in their reading record. If you are wanting more specific feedback, please don't hesitate to speak with me.
We will enter the children into a reading raffle each time they read and they will have the chance to win a hamper of prizes at the end of each half term!
As a school, we have also signed up to www.oxfordowl.co.uk

This website allows the children to read an amazing selection of free Ebooks
at home on their phone, tablet, Ipad, laptop or computer!
Username: Allsaintsyear2
Password: Misslong
Thank you for all of your support!
From the Year 2 team