North Close, Featherstone, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF7 6BQ

01977 780225




Click here to view our school's Attendance Policy

In order for children to achieve and make progress, it is vital they come to school every day. We can only do this if we all work together – attendance really is a team effort! 

The Importance of Attendance Video 


The class with the highest attendance for week ending 14th February are Year 5 class, with 99.3%.

The whole school achieved 94.9% attendance for week ending 14th February.


Whole school attendance for Autumn half term 1 was 94.48%

Whole school attendance for Autumn half term 2 was 94.50%



At Featherstone All Saints we believe we can all be a HERO (Here, Everyday, Ready, On time)


The ‘attendance team’ meet on a weekly basis to review individual and group attendance across school. We also rely on all staff to notice patterns of irregular school attendance or to help us identify improvements that have been made.


We celebrate good attendance weekly in our celebration assembly. Children are rewarded for their good attendance through a range of individual and whole class prizes.


Each week we track the attendance of individual classes. The weekly winning class receive 'Reward Time' on a Friday afternoon. The class are able to choose what this might be. Choices include an extra playtime, board games, iPad time. The class is also awarded a balloon which is displayed in the hall and added together at the end of each half term to win a whole class prize.



Every Friday, we draw the winner of our movie bag. This will start again this week for the 100% attendance children last week. The bag consists of all the treats you might want for a family movie night. The children who have achieved 100% attendance the previous week are put in a randomly generated draw. 162 children had 100% last week and one lucky child won a movie box to share with their family.  

An example of the movie bag winnings below.




During this week, (week starting 10th Feb) we have had 162 achieve 100% attendance. 


Each term, we celebrate children who have achieved 100% attendance with a special assembly and prizes.  


Some of our previous winners celebrating below!






Each term a lucky family win a £50 shopping voucher for their child attending school every day during the term. 


One of our previous winners enjoyed this voucher with his family.






Featherstone All Saints does not authorise holidays taken in term time and works in partnership with the Education Welfare Service (EWS) regarding the issue of  Penalty Fines. Pupils have an entitlement to an education, not a term time holiday.  


Current attendance this year (up to 14/02/25) - Whole School Attendance (statutory school age) 94.9% (target 97%)



Persistent absence (students with absence greater than or equal to 10% to between 10/02/25 to 14/02/25 - 15.2%

Late marks (children arriving after 9.00am and before 9.20am between 10/02/25 to 14/02/25) - 11

Late after registration has closed (children arriving after 9.20am 10/02/25 to 14/02/25) - 1

Number of sessions missed due to Term Time Holidays. between 10/01/25 to 14/01/25 - 38


School Year 2023-2024- Whole School Attendance 95.12%

Persistent absence (students with absence greater than or equal to 10% between 4/9/23 to 19/7/2 - 8.1%


School Year 2022-2023- Whole School Attendance 94.86%

Persistent absence (students with absence greater than or equal to 10% between 5/9/22 to 22/7/23 - 10.89%)


School Year 2021-2022 - Whole School Attendance 93.83%

Persistent absence (students with absence greater than or equal to 10% between 6/9/21 to 22/7/22) - 16.75%




