North Close, Featherstone, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF7 6BQ

01977 780225



'To grow and to flourish’


Our purpose as a Church school is to promote life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10), developing children who can flourish in all areas of their lives.


We focus on the whole child, addressing their intellectual, spiritual, moral, emotional and physical development, as well as instilling the essential tools for learning. By providing a rich, broad and meaningful curriculum within a Christian context, our children know that they are of immense worth and can make a valuable contribution to their local communities and the wider world.

Curriculum intent

At All Saints we are passionate about preparing our children by equipping them with life-long, transferable skills for an undetermined future. We aim to take our children beyond expectation, offering an inclusive curriculum which provides a range of opportunities to participate and excel within and beyond the school day.


We aim to inspire children through creativity and the arts, invigorate them through sport, educate them on a healthy lifestyle and provide them with opportunities to develop spiritually, socially and culturally. It is our mission to equip children with the tools they need to realise their full potential. To achieve this we will work in partnership with parents, the church and the community, within a secure and caring Christian environment.

Our creative, ambitious and engaging curriculum is built to ensure that pupils develop a growing body of knowledge, skills and understanding, which they can take with them in the next stage of their educational journey. Through expert direction and teaching, we endeavour to enable children to experience inspirational learning opportunities which allow them to be challenged and stimulated at all levels and build skills for life.

The progress of every child is carefully and regularly monitored to ensure that teachers are aware of, and plan for, the needs of each individual child.

Our definition of ‘The Curriculum’ is all the activities that we plan, organise and deliver in order to facilitate the development of our pupils, their learning, their personal growth and an understanding of British values.

Whilst our curriculum includes the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, it also aims to provide a range of experiences to enhance and enrich learning and development of all. We want our children to embrace our vision and values in order to create responsible and respectful citizens of the future and build a strong relationship between the whole school and its local community, to learn about and appreciate our role as part of national and global communities and to foster an understanding of the importance of being a responsible citizen.

The curriculum, based on the National Curriculum, is engaging, exciting and relevant to the children at our school and aims to prepare our children for life in modern Britain. It is driven by a desire for our children to have a greater knowledge of the world and an awareness of the possibilities open to them in their future lives and careers. Our aim is to promote aspirational, courageous, kind, respectful, children who are happy, and have self-belief. We want all children to become creative, active and reflective learners, enabling them to be able to respond positively to
the opportunities and challenges of a rapidly changing world and promote a commitment to lifelong



further information

Should you require any further information regarding our curriculum offer, please contact Mr Sandwith by contacting the school office.
