North Close, Featherstone, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF7 6BQ

01977 780225


history at Featherstone All Saints

Curriculum Intent

At Featherstone All Saints CofE Academy, History is the study of the past, the achievements and developments of human society over time. We believe that history is the story of humanity's remarkable journey - a tale of invasion and resilience, technological advancement and ingenuity, settlement and adaptation, and the rise and fall of civilisations. Through the exploration of these substantive concepts (invasion, settlement, civilisation and technological advancement), our children will develop a rich and nuanced understanding of the forces that have driven human history.
History is effectively planned and sequenced to provide a curriculum that builds on prior learning and knowledge. As a result, children’s knowledge and skills are embedded into their long-term memory. We understand the value of history within the curriculum and the importance of providing a rich curriculum that develops children’s cultural capital whilst broadening their knowledge of both local, national and world history, and of significant dates, events and people.
Children at All Saints are enthusiastic to learn about history from an early age. Teaching is exciting and is successfully adapted to meet the needs of all children. Children have a love for learning and for extending their historical knowledge and vocabulary; achieved through historical enquiry, peer discussion to take the views of others into account, immersive learning to understand and talk about the past, and the analysis of a breadth of primary and secondary resources.
Our history curriculum seeks to ignite a lifelong love of learning and a profound understanding of the past, nurturing curious minds and compassionate hearts. In line with our school motto, "To grow and flourish," we aim to cultivate historians who embark on a captivating voyage through time, exploring significant events, remarkable individuals, and diverse cultures that have shaped our world. We empower our pupils to develop a sense of chronological understanding, to ask insightful questions, to critically evaluate evidence, and to empathise with the experiences of those who came before them. 

history curriculum overview

History Journey document
