Parents / Carers Information
At Featherstone All Saints CofE Primary School every member of staff is committed to supporting children who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND).
We aim to:
- create an inclusive environment that meets the special educational needs of each child.
- ensure that a child’s needs are identified and assessed as early as possible.
- provide the necessary support to ensure that all children have full access to all areas of the curriculum and school life
- enable to reach their full potential.
The following information will answer any questions you may have about SEND in our school.
If you require further information, please contact us.
Our Head Teacher is: Mr. P. Burton
Our Deputy Head Teacher is: Mrs. K. Morgan-Meek
Our Assistant Head Teacher is: Mr. N. Sandwith
Our Special Needs Co-ordinator is: Mrs. D. Tunningley
Our Governor with responsibility for Special Educational Needs is: Claire Saxton
Welcome to our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) information pages. We hope you will find out about a variety of ways in which we are able to support your child to reach his/her full potential, enabling a successful transition into adult life. Featherstone All Saints is an inclusive school, we ensure that pupils are included in all aspects of learning and school life throughout our school. We adhere to Wakefield LA’s admissions policy that we do not discriminate against any child.
From time to time some children require additional support to help meet their needs or improve their ability to access the curriculum in a way which suits their learning style. The decision to do this is made by the school and is based on a variety of factors including academic progress, and/or assessments carried out by teaching staff or other professionals. It may also be based on ensuring children have a smooth transition into school or require support when going through significant change either at home or school. Parents/Carers will be informed when this happens.
Some children will require support for a longer period of time to ensure they can access the curriculum effectively and be included fully in classroom learning and school events. Support will be planned by school staff and where appropriate by external professionals. Parents/Carers will be kept informed about this support.
Children who require support in terms of their acquisition of English are not considered SEND pupils but as they may require additional support, their needs are reflected in our local offer. Our Local Offer describes the range of provision and support available to support identified children as and when appropriate. This Offer is subject to change depending on budgetary constraints and policy review.
The school uses its best endeavours to ensure that the provision for all its pupils is of the highest possible standard, whilst acknowledging that we are continually striving to improve our practice. We are committed to narrowing the attainment gap between children with SEND and their non-SEND peers. We are working to achieve this in a variety of different ways.
Concerns or Complaints:
We are committed to be fully inclusive where all members of our school are treated fairly and equally. By working in partnership with children, families and partner agencies, we ensure that all children receive the support they need to access all aspects of school life. We respect each child as an individual and have high expectations and aspirations for all.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child and would like to speak to us at school, then please do not hesitate to contact our SENDCO Mrs Tunningley.
Once you have done this, if you remain concerned and want to make a complaint about the school’s SEND Support please follow the school’s Complaint procedure.
Find out more about the local offer at